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您所在的位置:首頁 > 心血管內科醫(yī)學進展 > 磁性心電圖有助對子宮中胎兒致死性心律失常的診斷治療


2013-11-19 10:06 閱讀:1103 來源:丁香園 責任編輯:陳敬業(yè)
[導讀] 根據美國心臟協會雜志Circulation上的一項研究,一種切實可行的技術可使醫(yī)生有能力對一個死產和嬰兒猝死的常見病因進行診斷,并有可能在子宮中 對其進行治療。這項研究是第一次在一個可觀有風險人群中記錄嬰兒長QT綜合征的電生理特征,并評價磁性心電圖或



    根據美國心臟協會雜志Circulation上的一項研究,一種切實可行的技術可使醫(yī)生有能力對一個死產和嬰兒猝死的常見病因進行診斷,并有可能在子宮中 對其進行治療。這項研究是第一次在一個可觀有風險人群中記錄嬰兒長QT綜合征的電生理特征,并評價磁性心電圖或心磁波描記圖的診斷準確性。


    此項研究的主要研究者Ronald T. Wakai博士指出,“直到現在,醫(yī)師們還無法在嬰兒出生前診斷一種稱作長QT綜合征的嚴重心臟病,這項研究顯示,你可以在子宮中診斷此類情況,并辨認有患威脅生命的心律失??赡艿奶骸Q芯客瑫r顯示,心律失常一經檢測就可在子宮中被有效治療。”





    共同作者有Bettina F. Cuneo, M.D.; Janette F. Strasburger, M.D.; Suhong Yu, Ph.D.; Hitoshi Horigome, M.D.; Takayoshi Hosono, M.D.; 并且Akihiko Kandori, Ph.D. Author disclosures也在手稿中提到。這項研究由美國**衛(wèi)生研究院資助。


    Device may help doctors diagnose lethal heart rhythm in womb

    American Heart Association Rapid Access Journal Report

    November 11, 2013

    Study Highlights:

    A device that records the natural magnetic activity of the heart helped researchers identify abnormal heart rhythms in unborn babies.

    It's the first sizable study to document the electrical aspects of long QT syndrome in the womb.

    The condition is a common cause of sudden death in early life and stillbirth.

    DALLAS, Nov. 11, 2013 — A promising technology may enable doctors to diagnose and possibly treat in utero a common cause of stillbirth and sudden death in infants, according to research published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation.

    The study is the first to document the electrophysiological characteristics of fetal long QT syndrome and to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of the magnetic EKG, or magnetocardiogram, in a sizable population of at-risk fetuses.

    “Until now, physicians were unable to diagnose a serious heart condition known as long QT syndrome until after birth,” said Ronald T. Wakai, Ph.D., principal investigator of the study and a professor of medical physics at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health in Madison. “Our study shows that you can diagnose the condition in utero and identify which fetuses are most likely to have life-threatening arrhythmia. We also showed that once detected the arrhythmia can be effectively treated in utero.”

    Long QT syndrome is present in about one in every 2,000 births and accounts for about 10 percent of sudden infant deaths and unexplained stillbirths, Wakai said. It's also a leading cause of sudden death in children and young **s. Long QT predisposes the heart to develop a potentially lethal heart rhythm, but fetuses can be successfully treated if the rhythm is identified.

    Using the magnetic EKG, the researchers diagnosed long QT in the womb with 89 percent accuracy.

    The researchers evaluated 30 pregnancies in 1996-2012 in Wisconsin and at two locations in Japan. They chose patients based on a family history of long QT syndrome, unexplained death of a sibling in infancy or childhood, or a suspicious fetal heart rhythm. They then collected data positioning a probe on the mother's abdomen as early as midway through the pregnancy.

    Long QT syndrome was diagnosed in 21 of the fetuses. Six of the fetuses had dangerous heart rhythms and one was delivered early after ominous rhythms were noted.

    Magnetic EKGs will be put into practical use in the “not-too-distant future,” but an accurate and complete family history remains the most critical aspect of diagnosing long QT syndrome, Wakai said.

    Co-authors are Bettina F. Cuneo, M.D.; Janette F. Strasburger, M.D.; Suhong Yu, Ph.D.; Hitoshi Horigome, M.D.; Takayoshi Hosono, M.D.; and Akihiko Kandori, Ph.D. Author disclosures are on the manusc**t.

    The National Institutes of Health funded the study.

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